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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sometimes you have to be strong for yourself.
You have to know that you’re a good person and a good friend.

People don't look at your personality first.People judge you automatically by your looks and then try to get to know your personality. But the second they don't like your looks , they don't get to know you. That's how reality is.
-(via jaleenicole)



Sometimes you have to give up on people. Everyone that is in your journey is meant to be in your journey, but not everyone is meant to stay there.
This feels right, don't say goodnight.

My point is, there are a lot of people in the world. No one ever sees everything the same way you do;it just doesn’t happen. So when you find one person who gets a couple of things, especially if they’re important ones… you might as well hold on to them
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